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7-Fold Ties: What it Means


As a tie connoisseur I sometimes forget that the term “7-fold” in regards to neckties may be a bit confusing to most tie wearers. In fact most men don’t pay too much attention to the way their neckties are made. Instead it is the color, pattern, width, and designer brand that usually gets the most attention. Keep in mind however that even expensive designer ties can be poorly made. I have seen $80 ties made from cheap synthetic polyester for instance. So instead of just using these four shopping criteria, I also suggest you add the tie’s fabric and the tie’s construction to the list.


What is a 7-Fold Tie?

The term 7-fold refers to how the necktie is constructed. Instead of sewing an inlay into the tie for thickness, the tie is made out of a single piece of fabric that is folded 7 times (see image left). The result: A thicker feel, incomparable drape, a larger looking tie knot, and a more hefty weight – all things you will immediately notice the first time you hold a 7-fold tie in your hand.


How to Make a Seven Fold Tie?

7-fold-necktie-patternYes, you can indeed make your own seven fold tie. What you will need is a suitable fabric (woven or printed silk is best), a sewing machine, a good pattern (see image), as well as lots of patience.

First, print out this free 7-fold necktie pattern which will make a necktie that has a standard width of 3 1/4 inches. I had a difficult time finding a free pattern online. Thus, I decided to create this one myself. You can be sure this pattern works, because I created it by taking apart one of my 7-fold ties and tracing all the folds.

Because this pattern is quite large, you will need to print it on several 8.5 x 11 inch pages and tape them together. Simply open this PDF File. Then in your printer setting make sure that “print to actual size” is selected. That’s all you have to do. Once you printed the pattern, you can double check the dimension by measuring the test square that I have put on the file. The test square should measure 4″ x 4″.

After you have printed your pattern, and have selected your fabric, you can follow these excellent instructions on making your own 7-fold necktie. The instructions worked great for me and I am sure they will for you as well.


My Favorite Brands

If you rather buy a 7-fold tie than trying to make one of your own, then be prepared to spend some money. Most seven fold ties will cost between $150 – $300 each. Some of my favorite brands are Borelli ($150-$200) which makes beautiful stripes and foulard patterns, Marinella ($250+) an Italian boutique designer that has apparently dressed many men in the oval office including Bill Clinton and Bush, Turnbull & Asser ($100-$150) the famous men’s clothier located at London’s Saville Row, and last but not least the Italian brand Kiton ($200 – $300).

Thanks for Reading my Blog.


24 thoughts on “7-Fold Ties: What it Means”

  1. Mitchell Rusbarsky says:

    Check out WSJ Jan 5 2013 section D.

    Are these ties of quality?

    1. hendrik says:

      Hi Mitchell,
      I couldn’t find the article you are referring to. Can you send me a link? Who are the ties by? I am curious.

  2. Robert Anderson says:

    I wanted to know what you thought of the Kiton Napoli brand. I’m getting married soon and want to purchase a black 7 fold silk tie. I found one on the internet at a relatively good price ($150), but since it will be a blind purchase, I figured I’d ask someone more knowledgable than myself.


    1. hendrik says:

      Hi Robert, Kiton ties are very nice indeed. They are handmade from silk woven in Como, Italy. In my opinion, Kiton is one of the top tie brands in the world – but this usually also means a relatively high price ($200 range). Before buying blindly I would check on the retailer’s return policy (just in case the tie is not what you expect). Also, take a look at the length and width of the tie. Standard length ties are 57-59 inches long and perfect for men up to a height of about 6 foot 2 inches. When it comes to the tie’s width, note that Kiton neckties are a bit wider than the designs of other Italian brands. Typically Kiton ties are 3.25 – 3.75 inches in width. If you want to wear a modern cut suit featuring narrow lapels then wider neckties could cause a bit of a disconnect, proportionally. I hope this is helpful.

  3. Caleb says:

    Hey I was wondering if you were ever able to find another pattern for a 7 fold tie???

    1. hendrik says:

      HI Caleb, Funny that you mention this. I am actually working on a larger file right now in PDF format that you can download and print. Because the pattern will be very large, it will print over several pages and you can then attach them by taping them together. I should have this posted in the next week or two.

      1. Stefan says:

        Hello! It hears something new about the downloadable pattern that you promised?

      2. Katie Deal says:

        I’m very much looking forward to seeing your new 7 fold tie pattern. Will it be available here?

        1. hendrik says:

          Hi Katie, thanks for the note. The patter is now online. Simply click the link in the post and a PDF will pop up. You can print this pattern on 8.5 x 11 paper (using multiple sheets). You then need to cut and tape the sheets together.

  4. Jonathan says:

    Are Hermes ties worth the money? Or are the cool prints and name brand what is selling them?

    1. hendrik says:

      Hi Jonathan, Hermes ties are certainly very nice. They use very high quality silk that is screen printed with very intricate patterns. As a tie aficionado myself I would say that you can tell that the fabric of a Hermes tie is truly spectacular. But, for the average tie wearer I would say the huge price increase is not justified. You can get some very nice ties for $40-$50.

  5. Max says:

    Hey so i really want to make one of these but I am having a lot of trouble finding where to buy the silk. Any ideas?

    1. hendrik says:

      Hi Everyone, I have received lots of questions on where to buy quality silk online. If you have any good sources, then please share them here by leaving a comment. Thanks!

  6. Quin says:

    Hello, thank you for sharing your seven fold tie pattern. I am trying out the pattern. Do you happen to have further tips on the folding order/placement aspects of the seven folds? lol what I am doing currently doesn’t look correct yet. Also, I am trying to make this for my brother who is very tall and needs it to be 67″ long and wants an extra wide 4″ across the face. Do you have any tips on how to modify the pattern to accomodate the longer length and width? And, is that something I could purchase from you if I have trouble with it? Many thanks!

    1. hendrik says:

      Hi Quin, thanks for the comment and thank you for giving this a try. Please share the final tie with me. I would love to post it on the blog. As far as the folding goes, start from the outside and fold inwards. The pattern I posted is for a regular sized necktie (about 58″ long). If you need a tie that is 67″ long, then download the pattern and print at 115% scale. That will make the tie 67 inches long and 4 inches wide. I hope this helps.

  7. Mike Murphy says:

    I have several 7 fold Daniel Cremieux ties and have looked at the much more expensive Kiton and Charvet ties. After viewing your site I’d like to try my hand at making a 7 fold silk tie; but I am unsure where to buy the silk either locally (Austin, Texas) or online. I’ve viewed the materials websites you listed, but couldn’t find specifics about silk fabric weight etc.

    Can you tell me where you buy your silk – the ties you’ve made look great !

    Thanks very much


    1. hendrik says:

      Hi Mike, I have bought silk fabric at a local wholesaler here in San Francisco. They specialize in imported fabrics and have some excellent quality. I prefer to touch the fabric and see it in person and therefore don’t like ordering online. What city do you live in? I know of some large silk importers in New York that I can pass you on to.

  8. Quin says:

    Thank you Hendrik! Lol I did not think of that! As for silk, I googled a lot and contacted different stores. I was advised by an employee at Mood, in NYC, to use silk duchess. It is thicker and she says it is used for formal wear. I was looking for a low gloss, black silk. The swatch that came is definitely thicker than a charmeuse. It comes in multiple colors. I’m finding the retail price for silk duchess to be a little over 50$. I will try to post about the results when i finish making the tie

  9. Charles says:

    Thanks this is exactly what I needed I make designs my self and now I can show the world the 7 fold of B.A.D. BAD ASS DANDY

  10. Brenda Morrill says:

    Is your PDF for the pattern for a 7-fold tie still available (with instructions)? I found your blog post by “googling” 7-fold tie, but I realize it is not current. I have not otherwise been successful in finding a pattern. I would very much like to try to make one for my husband. Thank you.

  11. Angie says:

    Hi Hendrik, thanks for the 7 fold tie PDF, but when I try to print it, it comes out on one sheet as a compact PDF and does not give the option to change it to the actual size.
    Also, I tried to pull up the link with the instructions and it is not there.
    Please help.

  12. Dani says:

    hey, your link to the instructions of folding the tie seem to be invalid? would you know where else to find good instructions? thanks!

  13. Pat says:

    Hello, is there an alternate link to the instructions? The one in the article no longer works. Thank you.

  14. Leslie Langford says:

    The link to print the pattern only shows one page – how do I get all of the pages to print?

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