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Day 9: The Martini Fold

Martini Pocket Square Fold
If you like the classic “Presidential Fold” but want to style your pocket squares with a bit more character? Then the “Martini Fold” shown here is worth a try. It is perfect for solid colored pocket squares and looks nice on all suits, classic blazers, and even your casual sports coats. Here is how you create the “Martini Fold”:

Martini Square Fold Step-by-Step:

Martini foldLay the pocket square flat down.

Martini HankyFold one side over to create an even triangle.

Martini Folding pocket squaresNow fod one side over to create a smaller triangle.

Martini HandkerchiefAnd fold over again. The triangle gets smaller again.

Martini foldsDepending on the size of the pocket square, you may want to fold the triangle in half again.

Martini fold pocket squaresNow turn the pocket square so that the long edge faces up. The fold is complete.

Martini Fold completeLast, place the pocket square into your breast pocket. That’s all!

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