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Day 28: Layer Cake Fold

Layer Cake Pocket Square Fold
The layer cake fold is a mix between the Presidential Fold and the 4-Stairs Fold. It is another fold that requires the use of two pocket squares. In the photo above I decided to use a paisley pocket square in reds, black, and gray in combination with a solid red pocket square. Because 2 pocket squares can be a bit bulky in your breast pocket, I suggest you use smaller squares that are 10-13 inches squares in size. Here is how you create the “Layer Cake” fold:

Two Tip Up Pocket Square Fold Step-by-Step:

Layercake FoldLay both pocket squares flat.

Layer Cake Pocket SquareFold both pocket squares in half to creat two separate rectangles.

Layer Cake Pocket Square FoldNow lay one pocket square over the other. The below pocket square should be visible at the top. This creates the first layer.

How to Layer Cake Pocket Square FoldNow create another layer by folding the other side over at a slight angle.

Layer cake HankyTo create the final layer fold over the opposite side again at a slight angle.

Layer cake Hanky FoldBecause most pocket squares will still eb too wide to fit into your breast pocket, fold enough of each side back so that the width fits your breast pocket.

Layer cake Hanky Fold How ToAs a final step, carefully tug the fold into your breast pocket.

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