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Day 29: The Cagney Fold

Cagney Pocket Square Fold Instructions
At first looks, the “Cagney Fold” appears to be similar to the 3-Point Crown Fold. While they are indeed quite similar, the Cagney stands out thanks to the added 4th tip coming up at the center. It is an unusual fold that sets apart the Pocket Square aficionado from the newbie. Here are the detailed steps to create this fold:

The Cagney Pocket Square Fold Step-by-Step:

Cagney FoldLay the pocket square down flat.

Pocket Square Cagney FoldFold in half to create a triangle.

How to Pocket Square Cagney FoldFold in one corner to create a 2nd tip at the top.

Folding a Cagney Pocket SquareNow fold in the other side to create a 3rd tip at the top.

Hanky Folds CagneyFold in the right side again to narrow the pocket square and to make it more pointy.

How to Hanky Folds CagneyNow do the same with the opposite side.

Wear a Cagney Pocket SquareNow fold up the bottom corner to create the 4th tip that sits at the center.

Pocket Square Styling the CagneyLastly place the pocket square in your breast pocket.

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