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Day 14: Two Tip Up Fold

2 Tip Up Pocket Square Fold
Another classic pocket square fold that has been around forever is the 2-tip up fold. A great fold for any dress code, and any type of pocket square. It creates a formal look when combined with a solid white pocket square while it looks much more casual when chosen for a bolder patterned pocket square such as paisley, polka dots, or plaids. To make sure the tips stay in place nicely, I prefer stiffer pocket squares for this fold. A linen pocket square that has been pressed with light starch is perfect. Here is how you create this fold:

Two Tip Up Pocket Square Fold Step-by-Step:

2TipUp1 FoldLay the pocket square flat. I suggest to iron it first.

Two Tip Up Pocket Square FoldFold so that it creates two overlapping triangles. This creates the 2 tips that will be showing out of your breast pocket.

Two Tip Up FoldNow create the base by folding one side in.

Two Tip Up Fold HankyDo the same with the opposite side. The fold is complete.

Two Tip Up Fold HandkerchiefAs a final step, tug the folded pocket square into your breast pocket.

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